Are Penis Enlargement Methods Really Effective? Read What Experts Say

Every man wishes a longer and thicker penis. Though this kind of desire starts taking birth in male from the very young age, adult media or porn sites has increased this desire in most of the men. In fact, nowadays, the scenario is men try many methods to increase their penis size” says urologist M. Michael O’Leary of Harvard Medical School and Brigham Enda Women’s Hospital in Boston.

Sex experts state that the remedies to enlarge the penis are not very effective. If this were the case, then perhaps the penis size of most men in all countries would be the same, that is, tall and big. While it is not so. Despite this, there is no shortage in this desire of men. They try many methods to enlarge their penis size. Some men do surgery for this, while some men take the help of medicines, some adopt the natural ways.  But the fundamental question is, do these methods work? In this article, we will discuss this in detail.

Can a man enlarge his penis?

Most men have a misconception that they can’t satisfy their partner with the average size of the penis. Also, many men want to impress their partner with a long and thick penis. Due to this, they want a thicker and longer penis. Manufacturers believe that with the help of their products like medicines, creams, stretching devices, penis size can be increased. Some people take the help of surgery for this. However, according to the Urology Care Foundation, none of these methods are effective.

How does penis size get enlarged?

male reproduction system

With the help of surgery, doctors can increase the size of a man’s penis by cutting the ligaments that protect the pelvis. But this procedure only makes the size of the limp penis look bigger. Aside from this, there are also ways to enlarge the penis without surgery. There is a rubber band-laden device for this. Just as braces are placed in the teeth, this device is implanted in the penis, which increases the penis of a man by half an inch.

Surgical implants are also done to make the penis thicker. Under this, silicone is inserted inside the skin of the penis, which increases the diameter of the penis. This method may be effective, but it can make the size of the penis look strange. Not only this, it can also lead to complications like infection. When this happens, the size of the penis is affected for a lifetime, which can never be normal.

In such a situation, the question arises that what is the safe way to make the penis thicker and bigger? Answering honestly, you will never know the answer to this question. This procedure is completely like having plastic surgery. Until the surgery is done, it can’t be said that you got what you wanted.

Risks of penis enlargement

If you have decided to enlarge the penis, then you must know some important things about it:

  • Till now no medical institution has allowed such an operation on a male of normal gender.
  • According to experts, it is also not safe and its effect is also less.
  • There have been some studies in this regard, even they do not encourage doing so.
  • Experts even say that sometimes due to wrong surgery, a man may have to bear the brunt of it for life.
  • Problems such as infection, decreased sexual desire, impotence, change in the direction of stimulation of the penis, loss of sensation can also occur.

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