What a beautiful morning! Couple chuckle while strolling in the park. The beautiful sun is at its horizon as though it has just come out of its den to lighten the world. The park is full of hustle and bustle; beautiful birds chirping, hopping hither and thither, and kids are playing all around.

“Is there something in a shrub?” girl startled. Where? Oh yeah! It looks like an animal body trapped in the shrub”, the boy said. “Should we check it by going a little further?” Boy asked. Yup! She nodded. No sooner did they go near the shrub than they were shocked “It’s a human body! They cried together. In a very short moment, the crowd gathered there. “Is he alive?” “It is certainly a man around 28 years old,” yeah! I think so. Someone call the police, please! Sorts of voices they started whispering. Soon a faint police siren could be heard. The police reached the crime scene, cordoned off the area, and started investigating.

6 Hours Before

His clothes are wet completely; he was running as if it is the last marathon of his life. Stumbling and running, that was all he could do now. He wheezed and tumbled, despite, within a fraction of second, he stood up and run again. “Where is he? Search every nook and corner; I want him now”, a 6 fit black colored, the heavy weighted man shouted! 4 to 5 persons loaded with the gun were after Maverick. Buzz! Phone ringing sound! “Hello, what happened?” The person on the other side asked. “I am still trying to find him”, Leader of them (it seems) said. Maverick hiding in the shrubbery could clearly listen to their voice. His body trembles, he pauses for a second, widens his mind, takes out of his body and imagined running again.

It was 9 ‘o’clock, shoes’ sound no matter how creepy I am can easily be heard. Get caught and shot. No, he came out from imagination.

Again gone in imagination, He punched one of the men from his knee, saved himself from two shots, but shot by the third one. No, not this way, Maverick came out.

He glanced at nearby things; nothing could be seen but a culvert 100 meters ahead. It must not be too deep, I don’t know how to swim, but that doesn’t matter, all that matter is how I could be saved.

 He stored all his strength and started running towards the culvert, meanwhile he was shot at the shoulders. He grumbled! Stunned with blood, holding his shoulder from his one hand he finally jumped into the culvert.      To be continued…     

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