No Matter How Much Sex You Have, You Can Gain Your Virginity Back Again, Check Out How!

Though virginity is no longer a bone of contention, yet men have always been a desire to have sex with women having tight vaginas. Indeed, having a loose vagina develops an unwillingness to have sex in both men and women. Not only this, but a loose vagina can also cause many health concerns like bad vaginal odor and urinary incontinence.

Specifically, virginity doesn’t only mean to have hymen present in the vagina, it also interprets a tight vagina. And in this case, everyone knows that too much sex causes looseness in the vulva, which means that the woman is no longer a virgin. But the thing you might not know is even after having too much sex, women can get their virginity back by taking some special measures. Let’s check out how!

How to Tighten Vagina?

There are mainly two ways of tightening the vagina – surgery and the natural approach through the usage of herbs and some exercises.

Surgery is the fastest way to get a tighter vagina. Basically, in this, the doctor places an artificial hymen in the vagina that works in the same way a natural one does. But there are some complications involved with a surgery such as it is very costly so everyone cannot afford to opt for it as well as it only lasts till your next pregnancy. It is also not natural, so there is a risk of infections in it.

Talking about natural methods to tighten your vagina is Kegel exercises. It makes your pelvic floor muscles tighter and tenser. Basically, when you get an orgasm, there is a contraction of the pelvic floor muscles. So, the more tightness in these muscles will be, the more orgasm women get. Therefore stretching these muscles with proper exercise can help women tighten the vagina.

kegel excercise

Kegel exercise is also beneficial for women who gave birth to a child and women who are getting older. Generally, after the birth of a child, it normally takes 6 months for the vagina muscles to regain their normal shape. But with the Kegel exercise, tightness can be gotten sooner. Aging is another factor for loosening in the vagina. Because with age the vaginal wall becomes thicker and less flexible. In this case too; women can tighten their vagina through some Kegel exercises.

Furthermore, using natural herbs can be useful to tighten a loose vagina. There are some natural herbs vagina tighten creams in the market that contain natural herbs and are free from any type of side effects. The cream is used 15 to 20 minutes before having sex. These creams are effective in making the vagina tighter by almost 30%.


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