Apply These 5 Sex Tips and Have Double Fun with a Virgin Girl or Woman

Sex has always been a secret concept in our society. Different people have different fantasies, likings, choices, and ways to enjoy it. Some people like a mature woman and some want a virgin to fulfill their desire. Moreover, different people have different choices about woman’s color, clothes, and personalities, and so on. But enjoying sex with a virgin girl or woman is a bit different. Because virgin means that’s the first time sex for that woman, and this gives a little more excitement than the experienced ones. Basically, virgin girls are a bit scared of their first-time sex, this is why their male partners should be cautious to ease the situation and ensure pleasure for both. Let’s know how to get a virgin girl ready and enjoy sex with her. 

Create an Atmosphere

For virgin girls or women, it’s not easy to have sex for the first time as this is the time when they feel a lot of pain and this is what sets in their mind. In this case, if you start having sex with them directly, they will feel less excited and may push you to stop. This is why it is important to create a sexy environment and make the mood first. For this, you can put some fragrance in your room, place a soft mattress, or play slow music to create a relaxed atmosphere.

Make Your Partner Relaxed

Virgin girls or women are scared a bit before having sex. So, you should keep in mind that she must be comfortable at first. Looks at her eyes like a lover or friend and talk to her so that her heart rate will be reduced and she becomes comfortable with you. This way, she may start helping you in sex and get more pleasure. By doing so, your partner will be ensured that you do not want to have her pain.

Get Your Partner Ready

As discussed, virgin girls have a lot of fear about the pain of first-time sex. So to eliminate it, you can spend some time in romance. Kiss your partner, care for her organs and private parts, provoke and bring them into a situation when they are only yearning for sex. In this situation, their pain will be less painful in the face of excitement and they can enjoy having sex. That is why you should not start having sex right away, instead, you should spend sometimes in arousing them first which gives them the ability to bear the pain.

Don’t be So Obsessed

Some people become violent seeing a virgin girl. This is not good as this can make a girl feel nothing but intense pain. Instead, going slow in sex is very enjoyable not only for you but also for your partner. Have romance and then penetrate slowly, let her feel the need for penetration. Once she is ready for penetration, her pain is very much minimized. If you go slowly, she will also cooperate with you and this will double your fun.

Stop When Your Partner Asks

It is natural that virgin girls or women have pain while having first-time sex. And when it happens, their partner should stop right away. This will improve faith, and your partner thinking towards you will be good. She may ask to go slowly when the pain is over. It’s natural that the pain goes away, sometimes sooner or sometimes, it takes a couple of days. Co-operate with your partner in this situation, and once she is ready, enjoy the sex to the utmost. This will double your fun.

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